Vintage Photos of People Wearing Short Shorts in the 1970s and ’80s _NH

Short shorts, as their name implies, are shorter than average. Such garments had been known since the 1930s when female Hollywood stars wore them for publicity photographs,…

36 Cool Pics That Defined Prom Styles of the 1990s This event is typically held near the end of the school year _NH

A promenade dance, commonly called a prom, is a dance party for high school students. It may be offered in semi-formal black tie or informal suit for…

Wonderful Color Photographs of London in 1973 _NH

These 15 wonderful color photographs capture street scenes of London in 1973: Wonderful Color Photographs of London in 1973 Wonderful Color Photographs of London in 1973 Wonderful…

Found Snaps of ‘Ladies and Cars’ That Defined Women’s Fashion in the 1930s _NH

What did women wear in the 1930s? Just check these glamorous found snapshots to see. Found Snaps of ‘Ladies and Cars’ That Defined Women’s Fashion in the…

35 Photographs Show What School Buses Looked Like in the 1950s and 1960s _NH

Here is a photo set that shows old school buses from the 1950s and 1960s. What School Buses Looked Like in the 1950s and 1960s What School…

55 Vintage Photos The Dangerous Playgrounds of the Past Through, 1880s-1940s _NH

If it seems like today’s kids have gotten “softer” compared to the kids decades ago, perhaps it’s because playgrounds have gotten softer as well. Thanks to state…

29 Impressive Vintage Photos Capture Street Moments of Children in England During the 1950s _NH

For contemporary children, it may be difficult to imagine kids having fun in the 1950s. Not only were there were no video games, even children’s television programming…

Les mini-jupes extensibles à Paris au milieu des années 1960 _NH

La mini-jupe a été présentée en 1965 lors du défilé de mode du créateur français André Courrèges. Il estimait que la conception des vêtements pour femmes ne…

25 Vintage Pictures of Old Los Angeles Restaurants With Wacky Shapes _NH

We’re used to seeing swanky rooftop restaurants and bars, taco stands and outdoor patios decorated with lights in Los Angeles. But back in the day we had…

Back Then, Traveling Was Friendlier: 20 Interesting Vintage Photos That Show How Glamorous Train Travel Used To Be _NH

Traveling by train was pretty swanky from the 1930s to the 1960s, and it hasn’t gone out of style. First class cabins were furnished like living rooms…